Monday 31 December 2012


233. 28th December 2012

 234. 29th December 2012

235. Sunday 30th December 2012 

236. 31st December 2012

Thursday 27 December 2012

Moyne River

229. 24th December. Magpie in the apple tree waiting for breakfast.

230. 25th December. Like she's still a puppy.

231. 26th December 2012. Moyne River

232. 27th December. Cup of tea and a walk on the beach.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Brunswick noses

225. 20th December. Brunswick noses. 

226. 21st December. Hotel Criterion, Warrnambool 

227. 22nd December. There are places at my parents' house where dogs are allowed to go and there are places dogs are not allowed to go and Dusty treats them all as one. Places Dusty is allowed to go. She does not discriminate.

228. Sunday 23rd December. Moyne River.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Merry Christmas

221. 16th December. Knitting in the park. Well, we were knitting in the park. They were taking photos in the park. Actually, now I reflect on it, I was taking photos in the park, too.

 222. 17th December. Mail box in Cathedral Arcade in the city.

223. 18th December. Flinders Street Station. Every time I see Christmas decorations I am reminded of how much they upset Northern Hemispherians in the context of sunshine and 35 degrees C.

224. 19th December. Chetwynd Street.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Wing Sing

217. 12th December. Wing Sing Lane.

218. 13th December. 

219. 14th December. I wish I'd taken another photo this day. I find this one annoying.

220. 15th December. Shoe repairs. Clothing alteration.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

I first kissed my wife here.

213. 8th December. Bilyana. Carus. This guy was great. Who comes down into the audience to play?

214. Sunday 9th December. Bilyana. Right outside the composting toilets. Brilliant. So romantic. (that's all in the not-sarcastic font, right? I genuinely think that is brilliant).

215. 10th December. Trouble letting go.

216. 11th December. Metropolitan Fire Brigade. Melbourne. Audax et Promptus. 

Friday 7 December 2012

Folk Rhythm and Life 2012

209. 4th December. Russell Street.

210. 5th December. Missed another one. 

211. 6th December

212. 7th December. Bilyana. This photo wasn't actually taken by me. It was just as we arrived down the bottom of the hill for the festival and that was the view out the driver's window. I asked him to take the shot for me, but it still counts as one of my photos of the day.

Monday 3 December 2012

Plus a bonus one of a watermelon shark

205. 30th November. Now, this is embarrassing. The only photo I took today was of these pants. I took it because I get overly attached to material things. I got these to wear in Madagascar. They also made a memorable appearance at more than one canoe camp, served as summer pyjamas and came from Singapore to Scotland (and Canada) with me. But they are more hole than fabric and it was time to let them go. The photo is so that I still 'have' them. (They are still in the big bin downstairs, so technically they haven't gone yet. Don't think I haven't thought of going down and fishing them out, apologising to them and keeping them just a little bit longer)

206. 1st December. Yay, someone else with ideas about how things should be in the world.

This is a bonus photo. Because the watermelon shark is awesome.

207. Sunday 2nd December. Look how meta I'm getting.

208. 3rd December. Sydney Road.